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PrimeStreet partners with Rialto to bring world-class coaching to PrimeStreet members.
Rialto Coaching is trusted by top real estate brands, teams, and offices.
Positive energy
High-level motivation
Live and interactive
Free 15 minutes that power your week
Free private session
Mini-business assessment
Learn what Rialto Coaching is all about
Invest your time in your success
Connect with a Coach who:
Is an expert on achievement
Challenges your thinking
Is devoted to your success
Supports the grit and adjustments necessary to build great things
Learn how coaching helps you win
Questions? Email us at coaching@rialtoacademy.com
Double Your Business with PrimeStreet
and Rialto Coaching
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FREE 15-Minute Private Coaching Call
Learn more about Rialto PrimeStreet Coaching
Learn how coaching helps you win
Questions? Email us at coaching@rialtoacademy.com
“My first 12 months of coaching with Les was just the spark I needed to create and improve systems around my daily marketing and prospecting activities. He was always upbeat and optimistic about the path we were on, and the end result was my a most profitable year and a 38% increase in my database. Thank you Les!”
“You are so essential to my mental health and business success and I will never be able to express my deep gratitude but I will continue to try!”
“Les, we are so grateful for everything you have done for us, you are stellar, intentional, motivational, humorous, & kind.“ (500% growth of monthly production in 9 months!)
“Suffice it to say that Mr. Alan Rice’s data-driven, consultative approach to winning listings, if mastered, will, in my view, give agents a persuasive selling proposition that will set them apart from the herd. Using the techniques learned in this series, I obtained my first listing and put the home under contract the same day I published it in the MLS. My second has had four showings and two requests for information after two days on market.”
Client Feedback and Reviews
"I came to Alan Rice as a coach via Lisa Drapkin at the Compass Miami retreat on the beach on the last day. Lisa and I were collaborating without ego and talking about the future of our businesses etc. I said that I was a bit stuck and needed a push to stop talking about what I needed to do and to get started doing it. She asked me if I had ever used a coach and I said no. Hence Alan Rice from Rialto came into my life. I didn’t know what I was looking for and who I would want to work with or even what I really wanted and needed. In our first call with Alan, he was kind, calm, smart, and witty, asking good and probing questions. He made me feel comfortable with my vulnerabilities and I felt good from our first call. So we agreed to continue on. Alan has helped us create a pathway and a plan to help us with our business. In the first meeting in person, we talked about the 4 pillars and how you work not in a linear sense but in a circular sense and that has stuck with us.
The coaching that we have been doing with Alan is along the lines of team culture, growth, accountability, and more. Alan has had calls with each of our team members and has helped with an all-day retreat that we put together. He has worked to interview prospective hires and helped us write job postings. Alan will be by your side to help implement the steps you need to take and act as your strategic partner. If you are looking for someone smart, kind, well-read and someone who will challenge you to think outside the box, Alan is the right person for you."
“There are people in the industry that I’ve known for a long time that I have a HIGH respect for, that speak so well of YOU and highly recommend you, so I’m delighted to get together with Rialto Academy and start helping agents thrive in my market!”
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